Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is the upcoming sequel to the 2018 Academy Award-winning animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The film is set to be released on June 2, 2023, and will see Miles Morales team up with a new group of Spider-People from across the multiverse.
In a recent interview, Shameik Moore, who voices Miles Morales in the film, revealed that his character will be getting a new costume in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Moore said that the new costume is "more sleek" and "more mature" than Miles' previous costume.
"I think it's a costume that Miles is going to grow into," Moore said. "It's a costume that represents who he is now and who he's going to become."
The new costume is a departure from the classic red and blue Spider-Man costume that Miles has worn in the comics and previous films. The new costume is black and red, and it features a spider symbol on the chest that is reminiscent of the spider symbol on Peter Parker's Spider-Man costume.
The new costume has been met with mixed reactions from fans. Some fans have praised the new costume, saying that it is a more modern and stylish take on the classic Spider-Man costume. Other fans have criticized the new costume, saying that it is too different from the classic Spider-Man costume and that it does not suit Miles Morales.
Despite the mixed reactions, the new costume is sure to be a popular topic of discussion among fans of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The film is one of the most anticipated animated films of the year, and fans are eager to see what Miles Morales' new costume looks like in action.
Feature | Benefit |
New and improved design | More stylish and modern |
More durable | Can withstand more damage |
More comfortable | Easier to wear for extended periods |
Feature | Benefit |
New and improved design | More stylish and modern |
More durable | Can withstand more damage |
More comfortable | Easier to wear for extended periods |
Success Story 1:
Miles Morales was able to defeat the Green Goblin using his new costume.
Success Story 2:
Miles Morales was able to save the city from a giant monster using his new costume.
Success Story 3:
Miles Morales was able to travel to the other Spider-Verse using his new costume.